
The Management Risk of Automobile Industry Development after ECFA

Fu-Ean Wu1, Yan-Jhen Jhang1, Yu-Ting Jheng1 and Ting-Yu Chen2

1正修科技大學 工業工程與管理所
2國立屏東科技大學 工業管理所


  過去十年亞洲地區的自由貿易協定數量激增,從東協加三(ASEAN Plus Three, APT)到亞太經濟合作組織(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)亞洲各國紛紛的在貿易上結盟,「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)也在這一波趨勢中誕生。本研究透過作業風險管理ORM(Operational Risk Management)六大步驟來找出台灣汽車產業面臨ECFA簽訂後所有可能帶來的風險與衝擊,並針對每項危險因子加以規劃,確保當災害發生時企業能有效控制減少傷害。「危機管理」是現代企業必須修行的課題,從預防、處理到善後,每一個階段都馬虎不得,也許意外發生的出人預料,但如何有效的應變並妥善的處理危機,進而將「危機」轉化為「轉機」,把傷害降到最小,就考驗著企業以及各部門的危機處理能力,也是作業風險管理存在的目的。



  Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) was declared by both sides of Taiwan straits because there are few Free Trade Agreement (FTA) have signed in Southeast Asia since 10 years ago. In this study, we find out the various risks of Taiwan Automobile Industry resulted from ECFA, and the possible ways to minimize these risks by using Operational Risk Management (ORM). Crisis management is an important issue for modern enterprises to realize how to prevent, handle, and end up it. Transforming crisis into opportunity and minimizing danger are tests of Crisis Management Ability for corporations and that is why ORM exists.

Keywords: Operational Risk Management(ORM),Research Risk Management,Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA),Crisis processing,Crisis Management