
Risk perception of criminal investigation police on the influence of safety performance

K. Y. LI1, U. J. Liu2, J. L. Guo3 and H. R. Chen1

1國立勤益科技大學 工業工程與管理系
2台北市政府消防局 第四大隊
3台中市政府警察局 豐原分局


  本研究旨在探討刑事警察風險知覺對安全績效影響之研究,研究對象為桃園縣、彰化縣、雲林縣及屏東縣警察局之刑事警察,使用的研究方法包括文獻分析法和問卷調查法進行分析。本研究各潛在變項的組成信度(CR)及Cronbach α值都在0.7 以上,各構面的AVE值都大於相關構面系數的平方,所以本研究具有不錯的信度及效度。在整體配適度方面,χ2/df為2.244、RMSEA為0.069、GFI為0.9、CFI為0.935、NFI 為 0.899, IFI 為 0.93,所以本研究模式具有很好的整體配適度,可以有效針對刑事警察風險知覺對安全績效進行成效評估。研究結果顯示,刑事警察風險知覺對安全績效之影響,會受到安全文化中介變項的影響,因此各警察機關如要提高刑警的安全績效,必須提高安全文化水準。



  This study aimed to investigate the impact of criminal investigation police risk perceiving of safety performance. We used two research methods including document analysis and questionnaires, subjects including the Bureau of Criminal Police in Taoyuan County, Changhua County, Yunlin County and Pingtung County. In this study, the composition of the dimensions of reliability and the Cronbach α values are above 0.7 and reached the level of significance, this study has a good reliability and validity. In terms of overall fitness, χ2/df was 2.611, RMSEA was 0.069, GFI was 0.9, CFI was 0.935, NFI was 0.899, IFI was 0.93, so that the model has good explanatory power. It can be effective against the perceived risk of criminal police to evaluation the safety performance. The results showed that risk perception of criminal investigation police on the influence of safety performance, it will be impacted by safety culture mediator. Therefore each Police force enhance criminal police's safety achievements, must enhance the safety culture standard.

Keywords: criminal police; risk perception; safety performance; SEM