
Computer Emergency Response Theories and Technologies for Network Malicious Code Attacks on National Defense Information Security

C. L. Wu

空軍航空技術學院一般學科部 航空通電系


網際網路無遠弗屆,提供了人們快速傳 遞及查閱資訊的便利性。正因如此,利用網 路竊取重要機密,或癱瘓他人網路系統,發 動駭客攻擊也成為敵人慣用手法。網際網路 是新興的作戰領域,瞭解掌握攻防優勢所 在,方能發揮網際空間戰力。在新世代快速 變遷時刻,因此,國家資訊安全人人有責, 人人維護資訊安全,是刻不容緩的工作。各 單位應依「電腦緊急應變處理實施計畫」循 CERT(Computer Emergency Response Team) 機制及戰情系統回報,並由單位通資部門主 導啟動應變小組,才能有效維護國家安全。

關鍵字:網路作戰、國家資訊安全、網軍、 網路防禦、電腦緊急應變處理。


  Due to the convenience of Internet, people can access information by surfing it rapidly and easily. Based on this reason, hackers can therefore steal and download information using malicious codes and various cyber attacks. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)platform allows organizations to create customized, realistic, interactive simulations on an isolated network. To better secure national security, we must analyze and respond to the latest threats through communication framework and active the information security mechanism.

Keywords: Imformation warfare; National information security; Cyber force; Network defense; CERT.