
An Integrated Inventory System with Supply Uncertainty Using the Concepts of Renewal Theory

C. K. Huang, T. L. Cheng and W. C. Liao

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


 本研究旨在探討供給不確定性的更新 過程的整合性生產存貨系統,此整合性存貨 系統考慮供應商可生產供給良品持續時間 長為一隨機變數,此為正常供貨期,製程控 制外無法供應良品持續時間長亦為一隨機 變數,此為無法正常供貨期,因此,此過程 為一更新過程。本研究將推導出此整合性存 貨系統存貨相關成本為目標函數,探討此目 標函數的性質,導出最佳的生產或訂購策 略,以提供整合存貨系統管理者決策的重要 參考。經濟訂購批量為存貨系統模式研究中 一個相當重要主題,傳統對於生產批量問題 大都假設生產過程無不良品狀況,但從實際 經驗觀察指出當生產時程增長,系統將開始 會生產出瑕疵品無法準時供給顧客。本研究 之主要目的探討供給不確定性生產系統的 整合存貨模式系統,利用更新理論觀點來探 討不確定供給隨機過程因素以增加整合存 貨模式之實用性,對於存貨系統有相當的助 益。本研究利用更新理論的理論和觀念,推 導出此不確定性供給狀況下整合存貨系統 存貨相關成本為目標函數,探討此目標函數 的性質,導出最佳的生產或訂購策略,藉以 提供存貨系統管理者訂購策略之重要參 考,進而提高企業利潤與競爭力。

關鍵字:整合存貨系統、不確定性供給、更 新理論


  The purpose of this study is to determine an optimal inventory policy for integrated inventory system in the supply uncertainty. Empirical observations indicate that the process may deteriorate and produce defective or poor quality items. This model is assumed to deteriorate during the production process, the quantity received may not match the quantity ordered due to an unreliable supply process. The project deals with an integrated inventory problem where the supply is available only during an interval of random length X. The unavailability of supply lasts for a random duration Y. The project considers a volume flexible manufacturing system with supply uncertainty. Using the concepts of renewal theory, the mathematical expression for the expected cost function is derived and a solution procedure is proposed to determine the optimal policy. The results of this research can provide inventory managers with valuable suggestions in making the production policy.

Keywords: Integrated inventory system; supply uncertainty; renewal theory