
Use of Assignment theory on development a matching system for student’s internship

H. Chen, M. Lin, T. Chang, M. Shih and K.Yang

中原大學 工業與系統工程學系


 指派問題廣泛的被應用在各種不一樣 的領域,例如,考試分發 (國中基測分發、 高中學測校內篩選、指考分發等)。中原大學 工業與系統工程學系於學生升大四的暑 假,亦有進行類似的配對工作,幫一些願意 提供實習名額的廠商尋找合適的學生。目前 校內實習名額的分派篩選,大多採學生成績 指標配合主觀經驗或直覺判斷進行,然而這 種作法耗費了系上的人員會許多人力和時 間。本研究就是在利用作業研究內的指派問 題理論作為基礎,並使用GAMS 和Excel- VBA 等程式的應用,改善系上甄選學生的繁 瑣程序,並增加篩選時的公平性、公開性, 讓學生能在申請實習機會時,並且能大量降 低人員的操作甄選和快速的呈現報表與結 果。

關鍵字:作業研究、線性規劃、指派問題、 GAMS、Excel-VBA


  The Assignment problem is a common issue in our daily life or can be seen in a lot of areas such as distributions of Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students and General Scholastic Ability Test to the colleges and etc.. In each summer, junior students of the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of Chung Yuan Christian University have to go to practical training or have an internship in a company. Students can either find out a chance for themselves or take the matching programming by the department. However, in the past, such kind of matching work was done by administrative faculties, which is a time-consuming task. Therefore, this study aims to develop a matching system by applying the assignment theory to ease the faculty's workload. After the real data validity, this system works well, which reduces personnel operation workload efficiently and effectively

Keywords: Operations research; Linear Programming; Assignment problem; GAMS; Excel-VBA