安全管理及安全領導對員工安全態度與組織安全績效影響之研究 -以A公司為例

Influences of Safety Management and Safety Leadership on Employee’s
Safety Attitude and Organizational Safety Performance - A Case Study of A Company

W. G. Lee1 and Z. H. Zeng2

1台灣首府大學 工業工程管理系
2威致鋼鐵工業股份有限公司 品管課


 隨著勞工意識抬頭及政府積極推動職 場安全宣導,工作安全日益受到重視,然而 事業單位由於追求生產力的提昇,可能對勞 工安全無法面面俱到,一旦發生職業災害, 將不僅對員工的生命安全及其家庭幸福造 成威脅,亦導致事業單位之財產損失。根據 勞委會統計2001至2007年鋼鐵業重大職災 死亡人數約佔了製造業13%,故鋼鐵業之職 場安全仍有值得探討及努力的空間。根據文 獻之探討得知大多數意外事故為人的不安 全行為所引起,而安全行為源自於安全態度 之表現,另外安全管理與安全領導皆對員工 之安全態度有顯著之影響。國內雖有學者已 對安全管理、安全領導、安全態度與安全績 效進行研究探討,但大多探討兩者或三者間 之關係,鮮少有學者以此四構面間之關係為 研究議題,且以鋼鐵廠為研究對象者更是少 見。有鑑於此,本研究即以個案公司為例探 討組織之安全管理、領導者之安全領導、員 工對於安全的態度與最終之安全績效間之 影響關係,並分析有哪些因素對於安全績效 之提升仍有不足之處以供個案公司參考。本 研究實證分析結果顯示,安全管理、安全領 導與安全態度對於安全績效有顯著影響;安 全管理與安全領導對安全態度亦有顯著影 響;其中安全態度對「安全管理與安全績效 間之關係」不具中介效果,亦即安全管理不 需透過安全態度就能直接影響安全績效;然 而安全態度對「安全領導與安全績效間之關 係」具有中介效果,亦即安全領導需透過安 全態度才能顯著影響安全績效。

關鍵字:安全管理、安全領導、安全態度、 安全績效


 The safety at work has been gradually emphasized due to the consciousness rising of the employee, as well as the occupational safety promoting by the government. However, the enterprise is chasing more and more capacity, and sometimes it may not be well considered in the occupational safety, that not only to threaten the life to the employees but also the happiness of the family. Besides, the enterprise also suffers from the property losing. According to the Occupational Injuries statistics from Council of Labor Affairs from 2001 to 2007, we may see the death people from the steel industry is 13% in all of the manufacturing industry, which tells us the occupational safety of the steel industry has to be improved. We have learned the most accidents are caused by the unsafe behavior of the human being from references. The safe behavior is based on the performance of the safe attitude. The safety management and safety leadership have a great effect upon the employees’ safe attitude. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of the organization of safety management and safety leadership from the leaders on the employees’ safe attitude and the organization of safety achievement. The results demonstrated that safety management, safety leadership, and safety attitude have a significant effect on safety performance. Safety management and safety leadership have a significant effect on safety attitude. Safety attitude have not a mediating effect on both the relationship of safety management and safety performance. Safety attitude have a mediating effect on both the relationship of safety leadership and safety performance.

Keywords: safety management; safety leadership; safety attitude; safety performance