
The evaluation scale of training effectiveness for Tai-Ger Vocational Training

R. G. Peng 1 and G. Y. Li 2

1 聖約翰科技大學 企業管理系
2 國立勤益科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  本研究旨在建構台德菁英班訓練成效 之評估量表,研究對象為台德菁英班學員, 使用的研究方法包括文獻分析法及問卷調 查法,運用結構方程模式(SEM)方法進行研 究。量表構面包括招生宣導、教育訓練、行 政措施和訓練成效等四項。量表之Cronbach α大多在0.7 以上、AVE 值也大多在0.5 以 上、CR 值在0.7 以上、SMC 值大多在0.5 以上、factor loading 大多在0.7 以上,AVE 區別效度符合標準值,各項CFA 指標均達顯 著水準,所以本研究具有不錯的信度及效 度。交叉效度在以Group1 及Group2 在溫和 策略的檢驗水準之下,兩者並未有差異性, 顯示本研究模型具有良好的穩定性。在統計 檢定力power 方面,其值有0.9986715 的機 率不會犯型二錯誤,結果顯示本模型具有良 好的檢定力。在整體配適度方面, χ2 / df =1.532 , GFI=0.949 , CFI=0.981 , RMSEA=0.039,NFI=0.948, RMR=0.024, 所以本研究模式具有不錯的整體配適度,可 做為各單位評估訓練成效之用。

關鍵字:台德菁英班、訓練模式、成效評估、 SEM


  This study aimed to construct the evaluation scale of training effectiveness for Tai-Ger Vocational Training Project. We used two research methods including document analysis and questionnaires, subjects including the student of Tai-Ger Vocational Training Project, the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) ways. Scale dimensions included admissions advocacy, education and training, training effectiveness and administrative measures and so on four items. The overall Cronbach α in this study are mostly above 0.7, AVE values were mostly above 0.5, CR values above 0.7, SMC values are mostly above 0.5, factor loading are mostly above 0.7, AVE discriminant validity conforms to the standard value, the CFA index reached the level of significance, so this study has good reliability and validity. The scale of cross validation in order to Group1 and Group2 level in the test under the mild strategy, there is no difference between the two, shows the research model has good stability. In statistical power, the 0.9986715 probability of its value has not committed type II error, results show that the model has a good test force. In terms of overall fitness, χ2 / df =1.532, GFI=0.949, CFI=0.981, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.948, RMR=0.024, so the research model has good overall fitness, can be used for evaluation of training effectiveness.

Keywords: Tai-Ger Vocational Training Project; training model; training effectiveness; SEM