
Campus Marketing Project for New Biotechnology and Medicine Products

M. Y. Yang1, J. H. Chen2 and K. S. Wang2

1 和春技術學院 工業工程與管理系
2 正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  新產品要進入市場必須透過創新行銷 模式,才能以最低成本達到最高效益的目 的,本研究為能符合顧客的期望透過長時間的溝通,並使用國際專案管理學會(IPMA) 之專案管理知識體系,展開此一行銷活動專案規劃,以從執行專案過程中發現其關鍵成功因素。 因此,本研究將專案規劃的步驟,以有系統的方式呈現,期望能作為日後辦理類似活動之參考。

關鍵字:國際專案管理學會、新產品行銷、 活動專案


  To put new products on the market, the enterprises have to employ innovative marketing strategies to obtain better efficiency with lower cost. To fulfill the expectation of customers, this research applies the International Project Manage Association (IPMA) project managerial knowledge system and the long-time communication skill to perform the marketing project. And then, we can figure out the key factors in performing marketing project successfully. This research adopts systematic methods for the steps of project planning. Therefore, the research results can be as the reference for the similar projects of marketing activity in the future.

Keywords: IPMA; New Products Marketing; Activity Project