
A study of integrated inventory model of reduced holding cost and lot-size deliveries inventory model

J. S. Yang, J. J. Fang and M. S. Zeng

南台科技大學  工業管理研究所


  本研究主要在單一供應商及單一零售商之降低買賣雙方儲存成本整合存貨模式,在買方不允許賣方缺貨情況下,加入以 Liao 與 Shyu (1991)之趕工成本模式,修改為降低儲存成本之資本成本模式,建構以訂購數量、運送次數與儲存成本為決策變數之整合存貨模型,找出最適的存貨決策法則,最後建立一套演算法並以數值範例加以說明與驗證。



  The purpose of this research is to develop the integrated inventory model for the single-supplier and the single-retailer with the holding cost reduction and lot-size deliveries inventory model. In the condition that seller is impermissibly to be short in supply, using Liao and Shyu (1991) model of the crashing cost is revised to reduce the holding cost of the capital cost model. We consider the impact of cutting the production cost to suitable production goods in stock strategy. The contents construct three different integrated inventory situations; their factors of decision including the quantity order, transportation times and holding cost. The suppliers take different-amount-each-time purchase and transportation times according to the consumer. In order to get the best result of production/order, we could minimize the total joint annual costs incurred by the retailer and the purchaser. To generate a possible formula for each of the situations, and to further quantize and examine each formulae.

Keywords: Holding Cost; Capital Cost; Integrated Inventory Model