– 以ATO生產模式為例

ATP allocation planning with consideration of outsourcing and order fulfillment rate – ATO production model as illustration

J. H. Chen, J. J. Yang and M. S. Lin

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  企業在面對顧客訂單詢問時,大多依賴經驗來回應所有顧客的訂單允諾,而這份訂單的允諾是否能夠如期完成則無法得知,此存在著極大的問題,若訂單無法如期配送則會使企業信譽有損,可能造成顧客不再下單甚至損失其他顧客源。 為了解決訂單無法如期交貨的問題,本研究以先進規劃排程中的可允諾模組ATP(Available-To-Promise)作為研究範圍。預先配置ATP模型是根據顧客的偏好來預先配置規劃其企業採購、存貨、組裝等相關活動,當顧客詢單時,若能快速回應顧客精準的訂單數量與交期,則能提高顧客滿意度,對於公司而言,則能以最小成本達到最佳的利潤。 本研究探討接單式組裝ATO(Assemble To Order)生產模式下之訂單允諾規劃,考量在分批交貨、部分交貨、產能外包及訂單滿足率之條件下,如何有效配置可允諾量ATP,使用數學規劃方法來進行預先配置可允諾量規劃問題,以最佳的規劃分配滿足顧客需求為提升企業競爭力的重要議題。



  Order promising process is very important within such competitive supply chain environment to build core-competence through reliable order promises in order to retain customers and increase market share. Many companies may apply the rules of First-Come-First-Served for all customer orders. However, in today's highly competitive business environment with product differentiation and customer-oriented, this rule will not be able to improve customer loyalty and will lose important customer orders. To enhance customer loyalty, it is important to allocate ATP quantity for high profit products. To make customer order commitment quickly and to assist managers in decision-making that can increase competitiveness and improve profitability, the ATP allocation planning model is proposed for the order promising planning by ATO production model. This research proposes the allocation ATP planning model that considers splitting order, partial delivery, capacity outsourcing and order fulfillment rate.

Keywords: Advanced Planning and Scheduling; Available-to-Promise; Assemble-to-Order; Splitting Order; Partial Delivery; Capacity Outsourcing; Order Fulfillment Rate