
Computer Crisis Management and Information Security Technologies Development Against Network Malicious Attacks

C. L. Wu and C. H. Hu

空軍航空技術學院 航空通訊電子系





  Hackers are becoming more and more complex. On one hand malicious code attacks become more often than ever before, on the other hand, the damage of application software under this malicious code attack become greater than ever. Today's society is increasingly dependent on computers and the Internet to complete the work, accompanied in addition to convenience function, but also contains many network security issues, such as computer viruses, hackers and theft of confidential information, intellectual property and identity, etc. Technology always comes from human nature, in the face pervasive “malware” threats, we should be clear and enhance the responsibilities of every division, and strengthen information security education, the implementation of comprehensive prevention, construct information security barrier, in order to further ensure that personal and the country security as a whole.

Keywords: Information Security; Malicious Code; Network Management; Risk Control