
A Case Study of JANFUSUN: To Explore the Mode of Connecting System in Relationship Between Buyers and Sellers From the Perspective of Preventing Customer Churn

T .Y. Shu and H. Y. Chen

高苑科技大學 經營管理研究所


  面臨社會型態轉變,各方壓力接踵而來,主題遊樂園成為國人最佳調劑出口,在台灣一般遊樂場所已不足應付國人需求,林紀玲等人(1999)提出主題遊樂園除結合當地資源外,更依遊樂園的主題特性、娛樂服務性、多元化、科技化,打造全方位行銷策略,來吸引更多遊客造訪與消費;更以遊客能持續的重遊,減少顧客流失作為經營者永續經營的目標。 本研究將以劍湖山主題世界為例,以挽回顧客流失作為觀點探討買賣雙方關係連結機制建立的模式為何?首先透過相關文獻探討及專家意見彙整遊樂園為挽回顧客流失考量關鍵之因素,並使用德爾菲法(DeIPhi method) 、層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)來瞭解遊客選擇主題遊樂園考量因素。 研究採問卷調查,以雲林縣與嘉義市曾兩次(含以上)重遊劍湖山世界或從未造訪劍湖山世界的民眾為範疇。本問卷計發放29份,回收29份,無效問卷0份,有效問卷為29份,回收率100 %,有效率亦達100%。 結果顯示,探討廣告誘因層面、異業結合層面、消費者個人因素層面對買賣雙方關係連結機制建立的關鍵因素中,以消費者個人因素層面是最具關鍵的衡量構面,廣告誘因層面其次。作為評估關鍵因素之準則共十項,前五大關鍵之評估準依次為服務補救、認知公平理論、顧客滿意度、在地產業結合和促銷。人員銷售與慶典活動則為較不具關鍵影響之評估準則。



  A theme park has become the best channel for the whole nation to relax themselves, as facing the transformation of society and the follow-up pressure, for average amusement parks cannot fulfill the need of the nation. Chi-Ling Lin (1999) proposed building verstaile marketing strategy to attract more visitors by combinng local resources into a theme park, along with its specialty, service for entertainment, diversification, and development of technology. This marketing strategy even aims to maintain revisits from customers and reduce customer attrition so as to achieve sustainable management. This research takes JANFUSUN as the target, exploring how the model of connecting system in relationship between buyers and sellers is built from the perspective of earning customers back. At first, the critical factors of stopping customer churn were collected through research on literature and expertise collected from the experts. Other research method like DelPhi method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were also utilized to recognize the concerns customers have as they make a choice. This research was conducted by questionnaire survey, which targets the subjects living in Yunlin and Chuayi county who have ever revisited JANFUSUN(劍湖山世界) more than twice (including twice) or whi have never been there before. There were 29 questionnaires distributed in total and all of them were completely collected with validation. 100% response rate was achieved and effective repsonse rate was too. The results revealed that amongthe dimensions of advertisingappeal, precompetitive alliances, and personal factors affecting customer behavior, personal factors were the most critical factor in the construction of mutual connecting relationship. Advertising apeal came next. There were ten aspects to evaluate the critical factors. The first five was as follows: service recovery, cognitive equity theory, custmoer satisfication, combination of local industries and promotion. Personal promotion and festival activities showed less influential in evaluating the critical factors.

Keywords: Theme Park; Consumer Loyalty; Analytical Hierarchy Process