
The Relationship between Overwork and Cardiovascular Disease in Test & Measurement Industry Personnel

C. C. Wang and X. Yang

明志科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  全球科技產業隨著市場型態正快速轉變,工作職場中發生勞工工時過長之現象相當普遍,當中亞洲勞工超時加班最為嚴重。本研究以新北市某電子儀器量測行業人員為研究對象,探討工作過勞及心血管疾病成因。共收集314筆人員問卷及相關資料,透過敘述性統計分析及迴歸分析找出影響個人疲勞及工作疲勞之關鍵影響因子。研究結果顯示,(1)個人過勞造成原因來自於工作過度投入; (2)造成工作疲勞方面,除了至少五個月以上之超時加班情況外,業務人員對於服務對象產生疲勞感受,也容易產生工作疲勞現象; (3)長期超時加班,收縮壓140以上、舒張壓90以上也容易使工作者於工作中,容易產生工作疲勞現象。根據本研究的成果,建議企業應重視相關問題所造成風險,設法降低員工工作上,過度負荷現象,使其提升工作效率,創造台灣企業發展與保護勞工雙贏局面。



  The global technology industry follows the market patterns is changed rapidly. The phenomenon of long working hours is quite common, especially in Asian. This study explores the the workers’ overwork causes and cardiovascular disease in an electronic measuring instrument industry of Xinbei city. There are 314 datum were collected and treated by the descriptive statistical analysis and the regression analysis to find out the critical factors that influence the emerge of personal and work fatigue. There are three results, (1)The personal fatigue is input from overwork ; (2) The factors of work fatigue are in addition to overtime more than five months, feel tired to clients is also easy to make workers produce work fatigue phenomena in the work. (3)Long-term overtime is likely to cause adverse effects except for systolic blood pressure above 140 and diastolic blood pressure above 90, it’s also easy to make workers produce work fatigue phenomena in the work. Enterprises should pay attention to the risk of work fatigue caused by the problem, not only to establish friendly and comfortable workplace to provide healthy and safe working environment, but also to reduce the phenomena of employees at work overload. To enhance staff efficiency and to create a win-win in enterprise development and protection of labor in Taiwan.

Keywords: Overwork; Questionnaire; Regression Analysis