
A Study of Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis: An Important Advanced Tool for Hazard Identification

Y. C. Tai1, W. C. Chen1 and H. E. Tsuei2

1中華大學 工業管理學系


  進階工具在一個成熟的作業風險管理(Operational Risk Management)文化中將扮演著重要角色,因為它們可協助組織進行危險識別(Hazard Identification)時不致遺漏任何顯著危險。所以在一個成熟作業風險管理文化的組織中,所有人員將會瞭解有這些進階工具(Hazard ID Advanced Tools)的存在,當需要涉及較高度風險作業時,必然需要更深入且廣泛的危險識別程序加以輔助,能量流向與屏障分析(Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis)就是其中一項廣泛的運用工具。 本文所探討之工具乃屬於高等危險識別工具方法,其設計目的在於針對任務關鍵作業與較高度風險作業,以支援策略性層次之風險管理。當有深度分析需求時,這項高等工具通常是必備的,因為它提供必要之機制,以延伸目前危險識別的技術達到極限(崔海恩、王心靈2011)。



  Advanced tools will be a mature cultural of the Operational Risk Management plays an important role because that helps organizations to help the Hazard Identification will not miss any significant hazard. So in the organization of a mature operational risk management culture and all staff will understand the existence of the Hazard ID Advanced Tools.When required a high risk operation is need for more depth and extensive hazard identification process to be assisted, and the Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis will be one of a widely used tool. The study discuss tools are higher hazard identification tools methods. The designed to mission-critical operations and higher risk operations to support the strategic level of risk management. When required in-depth analysis, this advanced tool is usually necessary, because it provides the necessary mechanisms to extend the current hazard identification technology. (Tsuei and Wang 2011)

Keywords: Operational Risk Management; Hazard Identification Advanced Tool; Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis