
Steganalysis of Data Hiding Based on Histogram Analysis

T. J. Chang1, P. S. Huang2, K. C. Chang1, C. T. Wang1 and I. H. Pan3

1國防大學理工學院 電機電子工程學系
2銘傳大學 電子工程學系
3國防大學理工學院 國防科學研究所


  本論文主要以特定嵌入技術偵測為主,著重於由M. Fallahpour學者改良之直方圖修改藏密技術偵測。針對Ni及M. Fallahpour等學者以直方圖位移或分割技術藏密影像,利用直方圖藏密前後峰值變化關係以及波谷特徵原理,提出一個低複雜度的演算流程,偵測圖片內是否具有隱藏祕密訊息。



  The development of information Hiding has a long history. In recently years, has the rapid development in all kinds of using. However, since the 911 terrorist attacks on the United States the information hiding has become an information-security topic in Internet, and is causing concern in security issues. Thus, information hiding detection techniques play an increasingly powerful spear on Information Hiding, crack hidden features and some may even get the secret message embedded. This paper is based on specific embedding steganalysis and focuses on steganalysis of high capacity lossless data hiding based on the histogram modification technique which was proposed by M. Fallahpour and M. H. Sedaaghi. For Ni Z. and M. Fallahpourand scholars propose the histogram shifting and divided theories of the image information hiding. According to the relationship between histogram shifting characteristics with peak and trough variation, we propose a low complexity algorithmic that provides the detection of images with hidden secret messages.

Keywords: Data Hiding; Steganalysis; Histogram Shifting