
The Application of ORM and TRIZ to prevent and Solve the Manufacturing Management

C. Y. Lee, F. E. Wu, S. S. You and T. S. Jheng

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  台灣屬於工業化的國家,工廠多以代工製造為主, 然而代工製造的利潤並不理想,而相同性質的工廠卻非常多,以至於競爭非常激烈,而在競爭激烈的大環境下,唯有將本身的產品達到客戶的要求,才有可能讓客戶持續對工廠下單,工廠才可以永續經營。 因此本研究所要探討的就是在製造過程中所會產生的風險,利用風險管理(Risk Management, RM)以及TRIZ(Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch, TRIZ),用這兩種方法來改善製造過程中所發生的風險,讓工廠可以避免掉不必要的損失。



 Taiwan is an highly industialige country, it is good at manufacturing, but the profit is quite little. Therefore, how to improve effeicience and quality to meet the customer requirement becomes the core charllenge for future development. This study uses Risk Management and TRIZ to find possible solutions to improve and control the process risks for general manufacting industry.

Keywords: Manufacturing Management; TRIZ; Risk Management.