
A Study on Consumers’ Purchasing Intention-The Examples Low-Cost Carriers

M. J. Liou

國立高雄餐旅大學 運輸與休閒服務規劃碩士學位學程


  本研究探討「服務品質、低價策略及知覺風險對消費者購買意願影響之研究」,研究對象主要以曾搭乘廉價航空班機之旅客為主,於桃園、高雄國際航廈候機室進行問卷發放,總計發放380份,回收問卷計255份,刪除填答不完全及無效問卷21份之後,總計有效問卷計231份,有效問卷回收率為90.58 %。 本研究建立服務品質(包含有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性與關懷性)、低價策略與知覺風險為自變項,並以購買意願為依變項,以迴歸分析與皮爾森相關分析建立本研究模式。研究結果發現,(1)服務品質與低價策略有顯著正相關;(2)低價策略與知覺風險有顯著負相關;(3)服務品質與知覺風險有顯著負相關;(4)當考慮服務品質,低價策略,知覺風險對購買意願的影響時,低價策略,知覺風險具有顯著影響,且影響為負向。但服務品質對購買意願並沒有顯著影響。本研究結果可做為低價航空相關策略措施上的參考。



The study aims at discussing the relationship among service quality, low price strategy, perceived risk and purchase intension. This survey objects are customers who had experience of enplaning by South-east Asia international airline. A total of 380 samples were interviewed, and 255 questionnaires were collected back. Among them, 21 samples are incomplete and the rest 231 samples were completely finished as valid good, which means its useable survey rate is 90.58 %.

From this study, service quality (including tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy), low price strategy and perceived risk were set as the independent variable, and purchase intension is set as dependent variable by utilizing regression analysis and Pearson analysis to establish model. According the research, the conclusions of the research were as following below: (1) service quality and low price strategy is positive significant; (2) low price strategy and perceived risk is negative significant; (3) service quality and perceived risk is negative significant; (4)as consider the relation of service quality, low price strategy, perceived risk, and purchase intension,  low price strategy and perceived risk have negative significant influence on purchase intension, but, service quality is not significant.

Keywords: Low Pirce Strategy; Service quality; Low-Cost Carriers; Perceived Risk; Purchase Intension