
The Active Tunneling Explosion Prevention with an Example of Post-Disaster for the Domain Tseng-Wen Reservoir Water Diversion Project Plan

M. H. Chuang1,2 and H. H. Pan1

2國立高雄應用科技大學 土木工程系


  開挖隧道過程中最容易發生無預警且引發重大災害的火災爆炸,造成設施破壞及慘重的人員死傷,因此,隧道開挖之安全性儼然成為土木工程人員所必須面臨的挑戰與考驗。如何讓無預警之隧道爆炸能由早期被動式的發現進而改變為主動式偵測,且能夠進一步之預防,是施工安全的一大挑戰。 本文以「曾文水庫越域引水工程計畫」開挖爆炸職災為例,透過(1)FDS氣體偵測電腦模擬出人員及車輛之安全警戒值,並結合現場(2)RFID隧道人車監控系統之定位追蹤,以及(3)隧道主動式安全管理機制,以電腦代替人工之精確性和持續性的特質,可將傳統被動式的管理提升為主動式的防範,以期隧道爆炸達到零職災為目的。



The process of excavating tunnels may induce the fire and the explosion without warning which often leads to a major disaster of destructions and personnel casualties. Therefore, the security for excavating tunnels becomes a big challenge to the civil engineers: how to change the no warning explosion during excavating tunnels from passive finding to active detection, or even better, to prevent beforehand. Here, an example for excavation explosion disaster of the domain Tseng-Wen Reservoir water diversion project plan is discussed. By (1) FDS gas detected computer security alert simulated values of personnel and vehicles, combined with on-site (2) positioning RFID tunnel monitoring system of tracking people and vehicles, and (3) tunnel proactive security management mechanism, computer instead of doing the accuracy and continuity characteristics, may be the traditional passive to active management to enhance prevention, in order to reach zero duty tunnel explosion disaster for the purpose.

Keywords: Tunnel Explosion, Tseng-Wen Reservoir, Tunneling, RFID, Automated Gas Detection