
Risk Perception Research of Ropeway Construction in Mountain Area

M. T. Kuo and C. H. Li

嘉南藥理大學 職業安全衛生系產業安全衛生與防災碩士班


  本研究的目的是探討高山地區施工索道架設作業人員的安全態度、安全認知、及危害風險知覺,設計施工索道作業危害辨識測驗與安全態度、安全認知、及危害風險知覺測驗,瞭解施工索道作業相關災害類型及作業失效頻率,進一步探討作業人員的安全態度、安全認知、及危害風險知覺。受測樣本有60人,皆為實際參與山區施工索道作業之管理階層與勞工。 結果發現,受測者普遍認為「索道鋼索斷股」發生頻率最高,「人員搭乘施工索道」最具高度風險,建議必須完全禁止人員搭載施工索道。另外,研究結果顯示受測者的國籍不同、教育程度不同對高山地區施工索道架設之安全態度、安全認知及風險知覺皆有顯著差異。受測者之工作職位不同對安全態度與安全認知有顯著差異,管理人員顯著高於一般勞工。不同公司之受測者亦顯示安全態度與風險知覺有顯著差異。 研究結果建議規劃完善的山區施工索道標準作業,進一步,建立施工索道作業之鋼索安全使用與檢測規範。應用本研究建立之圖示風險知覺測驗於新進人員的遴選與教育訓練。



The purpose of this study was to design a test to investigate the hazard risk perception of ropeway construction in mountain area. There were 60 workers who were working for this jobs participating in this study including 54 males and 6 females. Ropeway Construction Hazard Risk Perception Test (RCHRPT) which including four subtests were carried out. The results showed that the most frequently failure were ropeway cable off shares. Also, workers thought that the most high-risk perception was construction workers ride this ropeway. Therefore, the study suggest that personnel ride the ropeway should be forbidden. Moreover, the study also find that in different nationalities and in different education levels, subjects' safety attitude, safety awareness, and risk perception in ropeway construction in alpine areas were significantly differences. Also, the study find that in different jobs category showed their safety attitudes and safety awareness are significantly differences, and the job category of managers were significantly higher than the category of labors. In different companies, subjects' safety attitude and risk perception were significantly differences. The study suggest that establish a standard operation process for safe use in ropeway construction in alpine areas are necessary.

Keywords: Hazard Risk Perception; Ropeway Construction; Occupation Hazard