
CRM-based System Structure of College Student House Renting Aid
-Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus as an Example

J. M. Dai, W. Y. Lin, B. Y. Lai and Y. J. Wang

實踐大學高雄校區 資訊管理學系


對於多數大學新鮮人來說,這是他們人生中第一次在外面靠自己找房子,面對各種條件的房子與房東,大學新鮮人們必須憑自己的眼光選擇適合的房子,房東也必須面臨各式各樣的大學生,二者如何在房子的環境與租屋條件取得共識是我們要思考的課題。 研究方法上,我們提出系統架構並以問卷來調查租屋大學生的租屋滿意度數據與房東的服務品質,並結合CRM去做進一步的分析,來調查如何利用CRM來有效提升大學生租屋滿意度,進而改善房東與大學生之間的租賃關係。 藉由問卷所調查的結果,結合CRM的理論,來了解學生對租屋的滿意度和忠誠度,進一步呈現租屋時各方面會造成影響的因素。而房東能透過本次研究來改善租屋宣傳、租賃與售後服務的問題,能夠提供更好的租屋和服務給學生;租屋生透過本系統架構可以了解租屋的狀況以及學長姐的租屋經驗,也能夠在發生問題時以最快的時間解決問題。



Most of college freshmen would experience their first house renting for the first time in life. Students have to choose the adequate apartment to live by themselves. However, by contrast, the landlords also want to screen all the applicants out to find the right lessee. It is a negotiating process for both sides to reach their agreement based on the living environment and terms of leasing. This study proposes an integrated CRM survey to analyze the relationship between college students and landlord. With survey, we collected customers’ response through survey, and analyzed those raw data through CRM process to obtain students’ satisfaction and loyalty in terms of the rented house. The result of this study not only provides the freshmen information to make a better decision to rent a dormitory but also instructs landlords advises to promote their leasing policy and customer service by better housing quality.

Keywords: CRM; Customers Satisfaction Degree; Customer Loyalty Degree