
The System Dynamics Approach to the Training Instructor to Discuss the Trend of Supply Policy about Teaching Quality and Call Members’ Identification Scores after Supplementary Policy of the Manpower in R.O.C

P. L. Liu, Tingko Lee and W. Y. Wu 國防大學管理學院 資源管理及決策研究所


  隨著科技的進步及戰爭型態的改變,國軍推動各項組織精簡政策,歷經「精實案」、「精進案」及「精粹案」,未來更計畫推行「勇固案」,國軍依不同階段有不同的建軍規劃,目標是打造小而精、小而強、小而巧的專業化部隊,預計兵力將精簡至約17萬人,但在人員不斷的精簡下,後備指揮部擔任教育召集訓練的教官師資人數卻逐年下降,但每年的召訓梯次及應召員的人數卻沒有明顯減少,導致教官與應召員供需失衡,如何在組織人力精簡的同時兼顧任務遂行,應是值得探討的議題。 本研究以後備指揮部的動員教育召集訓練師資為研究對象,運用系統動態學為方法論,建構動態分析模型,並運用此模型進行政策分析與模擬,探討教官人力補充政策對教學品質及鑑測成績之影響趨勢,作為高階管理者制定相關政策之參考,其相關政策建議將於文內探討。



Along with the advances in technology and changing patterns of war, Taiwan’s military had implemented the policy of organizational streamlining. After the “Jingshih Program”, “Jingjin Program”, and “Jingtra Program”, Taiwan’s military now planning to implement the “Yungu Program” to create a small but excellent, powerful, and clever professional army and expected to streamline the number of people about 170,000. Under the situation of streamlining, the teachers of education and mobilization recall are unbalanced of supply and demand. Therefore, how to do best use of resources and planning appropriate policies to meet the needs of training is an important issue to study. This research with the Reserve Command of MND for individual case, and established a dynamic system model to analyze the factor of teaching quality, Influence the key factor analysis of the teaching quality .Then construct a dynamic analysis model and use it to analyze the policy. To discuss the trend of supply policy about teaching quality and call members’ identification scores, Make the reference of the relevant policy as the high-order administrator . Relevant policy recommendations will be revealed in paper discusses.

Keywords: System Dynamics; The Reverse Command; Military Mobilization and Muster-call