
Investigate Propaganda of the CPR and AED

Y. H. Liu and Y. N. Sheen

高雄應用科技大學 土木工程與防災科技研究所


心肺復甦術(Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation,CPR)及自動體外心臟電擊去顫器(Automated External Defibrillator,AED)宣導在高雄市政府消防局救護業務下已行之有年,多年大大小小CPR及AED宣導場次以來,研究者發現不論是學校師生、機關團體或是社區民眾,大部分對CPR知識認知有概念或是以前有學過但技能不熟練,或是技能熟練但遇有緊急狀況卻不願意伸出援手急救。由此來探討推廣CPR及AED如何宣導進而提高民眾願意實施CPR及使用公共場所設置的AED來提升到院前心因性心肺功能停止(Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest,OHCA)病患存活率,故將探討哪些因素會影響民眾對於心肺復甦術及自動體外心臟電擊去顫器使用,將是所需探討是否能夠提升OHCA病患存活率之關鍵。



The Fire Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government has been promoting the concepts and usages of CPR and AED for years. Through observations during the CPR/AED promoting activities in schools, communities and organization, researchers summarize that most trainees,such as teachers, students, governmental/ organizational employees or community residents, possess the concepts of CPR/ AED but are unfamiliar with operations. Some skillful trainees dare not to perform first aid of CPR/AED in case of emergent cases. Current study is to investigate the key factors through a CPR/AED propaganda to motivate the willingness of the trainees to operate CPR/AED in the first place, which, in return, to increase the survival rate of the Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest(OHCA) patients.

Keywords: CPR; AED; Propaganda