
Research on Risk Assessment of Official Secret Leakage Management

Z. G. Yang and T. S. Huang

銘傳大學 犯罪防治學系


兩岸敵對狀態至今未解,臺灣從1987年7月15日宣布解嚴,迄今隨著國際經濟之走向,兩岸之間的各項交流日漸頻繁,政府政策調整後,且伴隨著、陸客、陸配、陸生、陸資、陸企等來臺,兩岸在形式上雖減少許多煙硝味,但中國大陸除未表示放棄武力犯臺外,反而更以多元之方式與我國人交流,使國人逐漸疏忽保密防諜之警覺,同時敵人在隱秘中進行各項滲透及竊取機密資料。 本研究係統計2002至2015年全國各法院審理國家公務機密洩漏犯罪案件,就司法院法學資料檢索系統裁判書及各媒體報導裁決內容計24件與相關參考文獻歸納,並以作業風險管理軟體(ORMIT)針對政府機關內負責防範公務機密資訊、維護或公務機密資料管理案件專家,進行風險評估問卷調查,並以公務機密洩漏防治管理失效機制中可能存在的風險因子進行分析整理,並加以評估危險幅度、機率及評定風險等級,研究發現公務機密洩漏對於政治、經濟、國防、社會及外交安全有著重大的影響,建議強化接觸機密人員管控、提升法規刑責防範洩密與定期實施作業風險評估等具體作法,供政府相關單位實務運作降低洩密風險參考。



The problem of cross-straits hostility has yet to be solved. Since declaring an end to martial law on July 15, 1987, Taiwan has been following international economic trends and cross-strait exchanges have been increasing. After governmental policy adjustments, Taiwan has attracted many visitors, spouses, students, investments, and businesses from mainland China. Despite the seemingly reduced level of cross-straits hostility, mainland China has yet to renounce the use of force against Taiwan. Instead, mainland China has been interacting with the people of Taiwan in a variety of other ways, which has led to an increasingly complacent attitude with respect to the protection of confidential information and counter-espionage. At the same time, concealed enemies are already performing infiltrations and stealing confidential data. This study conducted a statistical analysis of the trial proceedings of official secret leakage cases that were reported nationwide over 2002-2015.

The analysis included 24 court verdicts registered in the Law and Regulations Retrieving System of the Judicial Yuan, Taiwan, and rulings reported in media, and related literature. Operational Risk Management Integration Tools (ORMIT) were used to conduct a risk assessment questionnaire survey among governmental officials responsible for the prevention and protection of official secrets leakage and the management of official secret information. Furthermore, potential risk factors for the failure of official secret leakage prevention were analyzed, including an evaluation of risk scope, probability, and level. This study found that official secret leakage had a major impact on political, economic, national defense, social, and diplomatic security. It is recommended that secret-related personnel management should be enhanced, leakage-related criminal liability should be increased, and operations should be subjected to risk assessments on a regular basis. This study provided related units with a reference for the reduction of leakage risks in practical operations.

Keywords: Official Secrets, Risk Assessment, Operation Risk Management (ORM)