
The Application of System Dynamics to Analyze Manpower and Resident Policy for Long-term Care Facility: The Case of a Nursing Home

P. L. Liu1, C. Y. Fang2 and W. C. Chang3

1國防大學 資源管理及決策研究所
2國防大學 財務管理學系
3國防大學 資源管理及決策研究所






Today the aging and low birthrate are issues that need to be pay attention to. As young adults are overload and take care of their parents at the same time, the demand for
long term care services is increasing. There are many types of long-term institutions, which are divided into long-term care institutions, residnetial home, institutional care and nursing homes. The proportion of elderly people in nursing homes is increasing, however, nursing home has a long-term problem of manpower shortage. When there is a shortage of manpower, it will affect the number of residents in the institutions, resulting in imbalance between the number of registered professional nurse and residents, serious conditions will result in the nursing home can not continue to operate, so how to carry out the appropriate manpower and residents policy for the manager to face the important challenges.

In this study, we use a case for nursing home as the research object, by using the method of system dynamics theory, to construct the dynamic analysis model of manpower and resident policy, and this model is used to simulate the policy variables and situational variables, to analyze the influence of these variables on the behavior of the system, and propose the suitable policy suggestions on manpower and resident as a reference for nursing home managers.

Keywords: Long-term Care Facility; Nursing Home; Manpower and Resident; System Dynamics