
Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation of Public Questionnaire

C. T. Gao1,2 and H. C. Chung3,4

1高雄科技大學 土木工程系土木工程與防災科技研究所
2高雄市政府消防局 鳳山分隊
3高雄市政府消防局 火災預防科
4大葉大學 消防安全學士學位學程





The performance of fire prevention promotion need to be evaluated by the performance appraisal approach. Recently, there are various types of fire prevention promotion have been developed. However, whether these fire prevention promotion are actually helpful to people to prevent and respond to fires is needs to be properly evaluated. In order to develop an available evaluation approach for effectiveness assessment of fire prevention promotion, the present study preliminarily investigate the content of fire prevention promotion, the work execution process, the current performance  indicators, and the applied performance assessment approach. It can be find that the current performance indicators significantly lack the opinion from the people who receive the fire prevention promotion. Hence, present study therefore propose a simplified questionnaire approach which considering the customer satisfaction index. Through an actual operation , this questionnaire approach is verified can provides an simple, rapid and appropriate assessment mechanism for fire prevention promotion, and that is helps for the adjustment and revision in the implementation policy of fire prevention promotion.

Keywords: Fire Prevention Promotion, Performance Assessment; Performance Indicators