
Exploring How to Increase the Penetration Rate of Taiwan's Mobile Payment by Taking Prevailing Factors in the Development of Mobile Payment In other Countries

W. J. Huang, C. H. Huang, H. H. Pin, C. S. Peng and T. C. Lee

空軍軍官學校 航空管理學系


當生活的步調愈來愈快,人類希望一切化繁從簡,運用科技的進步將生活一切的不便利降至最低,使得交易方式也產生相當大的變化,普及程度也隨之增長。除了消費機制不斷創新外,消費行為、消費環境與消費文化上,各國間存在許多差異,值得探討的是當新興的消費機制如何打入市場,成為消費方式的主流。 隨著新興科技發展,改變現有的支付方式,全球使用行動支付的比率不斷攀升。反觀台灣,至2015年第三方支付法規鬆綁後,行動支付市場才漸漸起步,相較於他國,台灣行動支付市場落後許多,雖然各家廠商不斷湧入行動支付市場爭奪大餅,卻仍面臨諸多因素致使行動支付無法成為市場主流,本文意旨探討各國行動支付盛行之因素及台灣行動支付發展受限之原因,並提出可能的發展機會與建議,預期本專題研究成果能提供台灣行動支付服務相關推行與改善的參考。



When the pace of life is getting faster and faster, human beings hope that all things will be simplified and simple, and that the advancement of technology will minimize all the inconveniences of life, and the transaction methods will also undergo considerable changes, and the popularity will also increase. In addition to the continuous innovation of consumption mechanism, there are many differences among countries in terms of consumer behavior, consumption environment and consumer culture. It is worth exploring how emerging consumption mechanisms enter the market and become the mainstream of consumption. As emerging technologies develop and change existing payment methods, the rate of global use of mobile payments continues to climb. In contrast, in Taiwan, after the third-party payment regulations were loosened in 2015, the mobile payment market gradually started. Compared with other countries, the Taiwan mobile payment market is far behind. Although various manufacturers are constantly pouring into the mobile payment market to compete for the pie, they still face many The factors that make action payment cannot become the mainstream of the market. This article aims to explore the factors prevailing in the payment of actions in various countries and the reasons for the limited development of Taiwan's action payment, and propose possible development opportunities and suggestions. It is expected that the research results of this topic will provide relevant implementation of Taiwan's mobile payment services with reference to improvement.

Keywords: Mobile Payment; Third-party Payment; Technology