
A Feasibility Study of Unmanned Convenience Stores in Taiwan

C. Y. Lee and S. R. Deng

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


隨著網際網路的興起與AI人工智慧的進步,「無人商店」一個結合眾多科技為一體的新興通路,悄然而生。試想,無人商店在臺灣可行嗎?本研究透過網路隨機發放470份問卷,從性別、年齡、教育程度、職業及收入等基本資料進行統計變數分析,藉以分析台灣消費者對於無人便利商店的認知及接受度。再一連串的分析後,本研究共得出結論有四點,1. 電子支付的普及程度將影響無人便利商店的發展。2. 台灣消費者習慣量販店的自助式消費模式有助於無人便利商店的發展。3. 增加販賣項目有助於無人便利商店的發展。4. 年輕世代接受無人商店的比例較高,以此為利基的廠商可得到先佔者優勢。



This study uses 470 questionnaires to analyze the phenomena of “unmanned stores” in Taiwan. SPSS and Excel are the tools to sort out the datas. After a series of analyses, there are 4 obvious circumstances could be found. 1. The popularity of mobile payments will affect the development of unmanned convenience stores. 2. A good habit of self-service consumption can help Taiwan people to accept the new pattern of unmanned stores easily. 3. Increasing the item of commodities is a good way to help the development of unmanned convenience stores. 4. The high acception percentage of unmanned convenience stores in younger generations is a niche for the preemptive vendors.

Keywords: Unmanned Convenience Store; Mobile Paymen