
The Effect of Different Situations for Disaster Rescue on Task Grouping and Assignment of Chemical Accident Attendance-Using Kaohsiung City as an Example

T. J. Yang and Y. N. Sheen

國立高雄科技大學土木工程系 土木工程與防災科技研究所 


隨著科技的持續進步以及工業與高科技產業的蓬勃發展,危害性化學品的使用上更加多元及複雜,也造成各種化學災害層出不窮。有鑑於此,本研究以高雄市化學災害事故為例,針對不同的救援條件,套用事故救災指揮與管理系統(Command and Control of Incident Operations, CCIO)及事故現場指揮體系(Incident Command System, ICS)模擬事故現場編組與任務分配,再利用實際案例驗證分析比對並加以修正。本研究結果顯示,現場救災指揮管理系統中的CCIO與ICS模式,能成功運用於不同救援條件的化學災害搶救,希冀未來面對化學災害事故之救災指揮管理系統,有可參考之模型,以及未來救災單位能運用此模組強化救災效率與善用救災量能。




With the continuous advancement of technology and the flourishing development of the industrial and high-tech industries, hazardous chemicals have become more diverse and complex, leading to a constant stream of chemical disasters. Because of this, this study used the chemical disaster incident in Kaohsiung City to explore practical examples of different rescue situations by using Command and Control of Incident Operation (CCIO) and Incident Command System (ICS) to simulate the on-site grouping and task assignment. In the future, this modified CCIO and ICS system will be reference as a model for the on-site command and management systems for rescuing the chemical disaster incident and for disaster rescue units to use this model to strengthen disaster rescue efficiency and make better use of disaster rescue energy.

KEYWORDS:Chemical Disaster Incident; Command and Control of Incident Operation (CCIO); Incident Command System (ICS).