
Discussion on the Abolition of the Death Penalty - Air Force Academy Cadets, as an Example

Y. C. Ho, Y. Lee, Y. H. Su, C. Y. Su and H. L.Wang

空軍軍官學校 航空管理學系 


死刑成立的原因是來自應報主義,國家用公權力來剝奪罪犯生命權,使死刑犯永久與社會隔離,支持死刑者的立論主要有殺人償命及應報觀點、使重大犯罪的發生有嚇阻力、減少監獄成本、免除再犯。幾乎所有的文明都能發現死刑制度的存在,都會發展出對死刑的道德觀。東方及西方文明對死刑的看法並不一致,從柏拉圖到康德,都不反對死刑,並非只有劉邦提過「殺人者死」。以基督教為例,舊約《摩西五經》指出以「治死」來維持戒律。 本研究以空軍官校學生為問卷主體,調查學生對於此議題的看法。




In recent years, the government has been committed to abolishing the death penalty and the efforts of human rights groups. At present, the sentencing of the death penalty has tended towards reducing the death penalty, limiting the application of the death penalty, rigorous the execution process, and avoiding the actual execution of the death penalty. With the progress of the times, many countries are gradually towards the abolition and reduction of the death penalty. In this regard, it is difficult for Taiwan to abolish the death penalty in an all-round way. The death penalty is still an important criminal law in Taiwan and is "necessary for social control." The purpose of maintaining the death penalty in criminal law is nothing more than maintaining public security and justice. The current study discusses this topic's issues based on the responses from the Air Force Academy, Taiwan, R.O.C. cadets through a questionnaire survey.

KEYWORDS: Humanitarian; Miscarriage of Justice; Social Justice; Crime Prevention.